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The next gen of trail running

The Trail Series® is about fun for the whole family and so we're offering the next generation of trail running champions a chance to compete for FREE! Kids 10 years and younger run for free, please email info@wildrunner.co.za with your child’s name, age and school and we’ll send you a promo code for them to enter online. T’s and C’s 1. Applicable for any child 10 years or younger on the day of the first race. 2. Applicable to the short course only. 3. Only applicable via pre-registration. (ie. Have to enter online, does not apply to on the day entries). 4. Online entries close 2 working days before the race.
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B’sorah bushveld bonanza

You need to look no further than B’Sorah for that ultimate running compilation of bushveld diversity, from riverside trails and forest, to open savanna.  Underfoot it’s a kaleidoscope of fast open, to rocky hilltops and everything in between. The poplar forest closes out the final trails along which you need the footwork of Springbok winger to avoid the close packed trees.  As a stage for the closing race in the GSTS18, you could get no better. Like the weather, the racing was hot.  For the most part, the leaders in the Series had done what they had to secure the Series win, but in many instances, second and third places were to go down to the wire. In the Championship Open category, ‘just’ 43 seconds (or 3.4sec/km) was the closing difference in the race for 3rd place, with Andrew Currie nabbing the final spot on the podium from Stephen Atkinson.  But...
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On the Botanical dark side

As so it was as civil twilight faded to darkness, we released the brave onto the tracks and trails of the magnificent Walter Sisulu Botanical Gardens in race 3 of the Gauteng Summer Trail Series®.  The weather for running could not have been more sublime, with clear skies and a chilly breeze keeping the body temperature down on the big climbs! For both the 11 and 5 km routes it was the same first 2.2km, up up and up...180m of it to be precise.  Past the waterfall and onto the ridgeline above. From the split it was more rocky trails for the 11km runners and a steep descent back onto the garden trails for the 5km.  At the finish line the hills looked for all like fairy lights on a Christmas tree as the snake of runners made their way around their respective routes. There was a special treat near the...
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Cape Summer Trail Series® 2019

Spoiler alert: It’s going to be HOT! If you live in the Cape, then you're one of those who has been tossed between scorching heat and some winter throw backs of late. Some of it has been so sizzling that your bios read "In a Relationship with an Air Conditioner". Well that’s just a taste of what’s coming at you, because the 2019 version of the Cape Summer Trail Series® is getting all fired up. On our summer menu… 15 January           Kirstenbosch Sunset Run  This one always sells out, so get involved early with an online entry. Choose between the 10km Long Course or the 5km Short Course. You get an exclusive opportunity to enjoy a sunset from within the beautiful Kirstenbosch Botanical Gardens. Run past the fragrance gardens, up onto the fringes of Cecilia Forest along the contour path. After the beautiful mountain trails, there's a playful technical descent followed by a magnificent...
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Cerebral overload at Titan’s Forest

What an adventure on Titan’s Forest trails in race 2 of the Gauteng Summer Trail Series!  A brand new addition to the trail running scene, it was with great anticipation that trail runners lined up at the start line from 7 am on Sunday to run this magic piece of private Broederstroom property.  Majority of the route focus was the spectacular forests that lined the source of the Broederstroom spring. Being able to drink from the spring during the run was a really unusual highlight for many.   The trails were undeniably busy, with a huge variation in steep technical climbs & descents, fast winding trails through the forests complete with lots of tricky valleys and slate-covered ridges.  Diversity second to none. This busy run meant you hardly had time to realise where you were before you found yourself back at the finish! Carl Sandrock commented, “It’s like a complete cerebral overload!”...
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GSTS 2018 Routes Announced

Like we said, same same but different! We’ve freshened up our 2018 Gauteng Summer Trail Series® offering, and look forward to welcoming you and your crew to another summer of trail loving fun. We have a special offer of 10% off for family bookings that include 2 adults and 2 children between 11 and 17, and don’t forget that kids 10 years and under run free if pre-registered.   Hennops Beast - 21 October Race 1 You can't escape the Hennops Beast. This one stays the same!   Titan’s Forest - 28 October Race 2 You know how we love diversity when we trail run, well this brand new inclusion into the Trail Series® portfolio brings exactly that!  This spectacular private farm unlocks an exclusive winding trails through lush green forests, over technical rocky hills and ridges, along muddy riverside trails and over the cleanest natural spring water streams the highveld has to offer. Sunset Garden - 7...
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10 years and younger run for FREE!

Our family is growing and we're offering the next generation of trail running champions a chance to compete for FREE!  In the last 11 years we’ve seen the Trail Series® grow exponentially, becoming the country’s biggest and only national short course trail series. A series that is fit for all types of runners, whether a racing snake or a leisurely stroller. It has become a fun outing for the whole family. Wildrunner is offering all kids under the age of 10 the opportunity to run the Trail Series® for free. Please email info@wildrunner.co.za with your child’s name, age and school and we’ll send you a promo code for them to enter online. T’s and C’s (Terms and Conditions) 1. Applicable for any child 10 years or younger on the day of the first race. 2. Applicable to the short course only. 3. Only applicable via pre-registration. (ie. Have to enter online, does not apply to on the day entries). 4. Online entries close 2...
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GSTS Entries Opening

Winter, it’s been real. But we’re ready for some sunshine now. We’re amped for milder mornings, later sunsets and a classic Gauteng thunderstorm or two. Bring on, the 2018 Gauteng Summer Trail Series® with some new and improved additions coming into the mix. Entries for the #GSTS2018 open on 29 August 2018, and we’re going to give you a few teasers as to what to expect. Same same… The vibe, the format, the lucky draw prizes, the music, the photography and the chance for the whole family to get out on to safe trails and soak up a variety of classic Gauteng trails. We have the same partners on board, which means top end prizes from the likes of Raidlight, Jaybird and Steenberg. But different! There will be a night run! There will be two completely new races in the mix, at new venues! There will be a fresh XL course on the schedule!   Feeling sluggish after a...
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Cape Winter Trail Series® 2018 That’s a Wrap.

Now in its 11th consecutive year, Wildrunner’s popular Trail Series® continues to deliver a top quality, accessible and thoroughly enjoyable trail running experience for every level of runner. This year, the series final on the picturesque trails of the Kogelberg Nature Reserve was a fitting end to one of the best series yet. On Saturday 11 August, the sleepy town of Kleinmond was bustling by 7 am. With the mountains of the biosphere looking down, the start/finish area above the beach filled up with families, friends, arch rivals and their supporters. At 8:30 am, the XL Course runners set off. A field of more than double the 2017 intake enjoyed 23km of rolling single track, boulder hopping, boardwalks, big climbs and one of the best Protea displays in this event’s history. At 9:15 am the long course went off in 4 separate batches. The diverse route covered 14km, with coastal pathways, forests...
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Cape Winter Trail Series® 2018 Race 1 and 2

11 years in, and the magic just keeps building. Every year a combination of familiar faces and brand new recruits arrive at the Trail Series® venues, each with their own objectives. Some come to test their legs at their very first trail race, others come to enjoy the social aspect of a short of medium distance trail with friends. The fast pack get out there to kick up the dust, and every year a few new trail stars are born. With Race 1 and 2 already in the bag, the 2018 Cape Winter Trail Series® has been no different. On Sunday 22 July a capacity crowd streamed in to Paul Cluver for either the 15.5km long course, or the 8.6km short course. With some exciting route changes since 2017, both distances proved a balanced combination of challenge, reward and fun.  Over hot pancakes and breakfast burgers, the post-race stories emerged. Who is...
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